the following list of Zebra industrial ribbons are only represent the most common offering from Zebra. ![]() |
Part Number | Model Number | Description | RRP Inc GST |
T % |
[A] Zebra Thermal Transfer Ribbons Listed by Part Number | ||||
2000 Wax Series Ribbons - A standard thermal transfer wax ink formulation for printing high-quality, durable barcodes on Zebra’s coated paper label stock. | ||||
02000BK10645 | R106x450W25-2000 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 106X450M 25MM/CORE 2000 | $31.90 | A2 |
02000BK11045 | R110x450W25-2000 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 110X450M 25MM/CORE 2000 | $33.00 | A2 |
02000GT11030 | R110x450W-2000BK | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 110X300 25MM NOTCHED 2000 BLK | $26.40 | A2 |
2100 Wax Series Ribbons - High-performance thermal transfer formulation that provides excellent print quality for normal and rotated barcodes on coated labels and tags. | ||||
02100BK06045 | R60x450W-2100BK | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 60X450M 2100 BLK | $26.40 | A2 |
02100BK08045 | R80x450W-2100BK | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 80X450M 2100 BLK | $35.20 | A2 |
02100BK17445 | R174x450W-2100BK | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 174X450M 2100 BLK | $73.70 | A2 |
S2100BK08407 | R84x74W-S2100 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 84 X 74 DESKTOP S2100 BLK | $7.70 | A2 |
S2100BK10645 | R106x74W-S2100 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 106X450 2100 BLK | $33.00 | A2 |
S2100BK11007 | R110x74W-S2100 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 110 X 74 DESKTOP S2100 BLK | $11.00 | A2 |
S2100BK17445 | R174x450W-S2100 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 174 X 450 TABLETOP S2100 BLK | $53.90 | A2 |
2300 Series | ||||
J2300BK11030 | R110x300W-J2300 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX J2300 T/TOP 110MM X 300M | $22.00 | A2 |
J2300BK22045 | R220x450W25-J2300 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 220X450M 25MM 2300 FOR MIDRANGE | $66.00 | A2 |
3000 Series | ||||
J3000BK11007 | R110x74WR25-J3000 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX/RESIN 110X74M 25MM 3000 | $11.00 | A2 |
3200 Series - A high-performance wax/resin ribbon for use with Zebra thermal transfer printers. Provides outstanding barcode print quality. Chemical resistant when printed on Zebra paper and synthetic label stocks. Smear- and scratch-resistant, this ribbon offers excellent staying power and durability in harsh environments. | ||||
03200GS08407 | R84x74WR12-3200 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX/RESIN 84X74M 12MM/CORE 3200 | $22.00 | A2 |
S3200BK15645 | R156x450WR-S3200 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX RESIN 156 X 450 T/TOP S3200 | $110.00 | A2 |
3300 Series | ||||
J3300BK05707 | R57x74WR-J3300 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX/RESIN J3300 2INCH 57 X 74M | $7.70 | A2 |
J3300BK08007 | R80x74WR-J3300 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX RESIN 80X74 FOR DESKTOP 3300 | $9.90 | A2 |
J3300BK08407 | R84x74WR12-J3300 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX/RESIN 84X74 12MM 3300 FOR DESKTOP | $11.00 | A2 |
J3300BK11007 | R110x74WR-J3300 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX/RESIN 3300 D/TOP 110MM X 74M | $13.20 | A2 |
3500 Series | ||||
A3500BK11045 | R110x450WR25-A3500 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX/RESIN 110X450M 25MM 3500 | $44.00 | A2 |
3600 Series - | ||||
B3600BK06045 | R60X450WR25-B3600 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX/RESIN B3600 T/TOP 60 X 450M | $33.00 | A2 |
B3600BK11045 | R110X450WR25-B3600 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX/RESIN B3600 T/TOP 110 X 450M | $60.50 | A2 |
B3600BK17030 | R170X300WR25-B3600 | ZEBRA RIBBON 170 X 300M WAX/RESIN 3600 | $55.00 | A2 |
4800 Series | ||||
J4800BK11045 | R110x450R-J4800 | ZEBRA RIBBON RESIN 110X450 FOR MIDRANGE J4800 | $101.20 | A2 |
J4800BK11007 | R110x74R-J4800 | ZEBRA RIBBON RESIN 110X74 4800 FOR DESKTOP | $22.00 | A2 |
5095 Series - A high-performance resin ribbon for printing high-density barcodes and high-resolution graphics on a wide range of materials from matte to gloss synthetics. Offers exceptional print quality, durability, and chemical resistance. | ||||
05095BK11045 | R110x450R-5095BK | ZEBRA RIBBON RESIN 110X450 T/TOP 5095 | $152.90 | A2 |
05095GS11007 | R110x74R-5095GS | ZEBRA RIBBON RESIN 110 X 74 FOR DESKTOP 5095 | $27.50 | A2 |
S5095BK06045 | R60x450R25-S5095 | ZEBRA RIBBON RESIN 5095 60 X 450 MM 1 CORE BLK | $53.90 | A2 |
S5095BK11030 | R110x300R-S5095 | ZEBRA RIBBON RESIN 110X300 5095 | $66.00 | A2 |
S5095BK11045 | R110x450R-S5095 | ZEBRA RIBBON RESIN S5095 T/TOP 110 X 450M | $99.00 | A2 |
E05095BK11045 | R110x450R25-E5095 | ZEBRA RIBBON RESIN 110X450 T/TOP 5095 | $140.80 | C4 |
5319 Series - A performance wax ribbon formulated for high-quality printing on both Zebra coated and uncoated paper face stocks. Offers unmatched printing for both visible light and infrared scannability. Excellent performance on tough-to-print uncoated and uneven tag stocks, including Tyvek®. | ||||
05319BL11045 | R110x450W25-5319BLU | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 110MM X 450M 25MM 5319 BLUE | $176.00 | A2 |
05319GN11045 | R110x450W25-5319GRN | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 110MM X 450M 25MM 5319 GREEN | $176.00 | A2 |
05319RD11045 | R110x450W25-5319RED | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 110MM X 450M 25MM 5319 RED | $176.00 | A2 |
5555 Wax/Resin Series - A standard thermal transfer wax/resin ink formulation for printing barcodes on Zebra coated paper. Provides a clear image under harsh conditions. | ||||
05555BK110D | R110x30WR-5555BK | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX/RESIN 110X30 P4T/RP4T 5555 | $53.90 | A2 |
05555CT11007 | RC110x74W-5555 | ZEBRA RIBBON CARTRIDGE WAX/RESIN ZD420 110 X 74M | $33.00 | A2 |
6000 Wax Series - A high-performance wax ribbon that provides excellent print quality for normal and rotated barcodes on coated labels and tags | ||||
06000BK06045 | R60x450W25-6000 | ZEBRA RIBBON WAX 60X450M 25MM 6000 | $22.00 | A2 |
6100 Wax/Resin Series - A standard wax/resin formulation for use with Zebra thermal transfer printers. Provides outstanding barcode print quality. Chemical resistant when printed on Zebra paper and synthetic label stocks. Smear- and scratch-resistant, this ribbon offers excellent staying power and durability in harsh environments | ||||
06100BK11045 | R110x450WR25-6100 | Zebra 110mm x 450M Wax/Resin 6100 Ribbon (each) | $60.50 | A2 |
6200 Resin Series - A high-performance resin ribbon for printing high-density barcodes and high-resolution graphics on a wide range of materials from matte to gloss synthetics. Offers exceptional print quality, durability, and chemical resistance | ||||
06200BK06045 | R60x450R25-6200 | ZEBRA RIBBON RESIN 60MMX450M BLK 6200 | $59.40 | A2 |