RAM - Ball Mounting
Stock Lines

RAM stands for Round-A-Mount. RAM is the revolutionary universal ball and socket mounting SYSTEM that allows you to mount practically anything anywhere. RAM's family consist of more than 900 interchangeable accessories to provide solutions to your most challenging mounting problems. The unique design of the RAM Mount provides easy installation, mobility, strength, versatility, vibration protection and durability, all at a low cost.

RAM is backed by NPIs renowned Lifetime Warranty, making it the mounting SYSTEM of choice. To provide light weight strength and corrosion resistance, RAM is made of marine grade aluminum with a powder coated finish, stainless steel hardware and rubber balls.

Recognized and accepted by the U.S. Patent Office, RAM is the only universal ball-and-socket SYSTEM that holds tremendous amounts of weight in high vibration applications for military, commercial and private use.

RAM mount products stocked at UMD are of the RAM-B and RAM-C series
    • RAM B Series – 25.4mm (1”) size ball diameter
      • RAM C Series – 38.1mm (1.5”) size ball diameter

To provide greatest flexibility, UMD only stocks RAM Mount components, and not specific kits.

To create a RAM Mount solution simply select an "Arm" and a ball component (i.e any combination of "Base" or "Mount.") for each end of the arm.

The following list represents standard UMD stock lines, other RAM Mounts, can be supplied on an indent basis.

RAM Mount Catalogues

UMD - RAM Mounting - Short Form Catalog Issue 001
UMD - RAM Mounting for Agriculture 2020
UMD - RAM Mounting for Honeywell 2021
UMD - RAM Mounting for Material Handling 2022
UMD - RAM Mounting for Transportation 2023
UMD - RAM Mounting for Zebra Technologies 2022
Ordering Information and Pricing
Part Number Model Number Description RRP
[A] RAM "B" Series 25.4mm Ball (1")
RAM-B-202U 25mm (1) Small Ball and Base $18.70 C3
Drawing (Dim in inchces)
RAM-B-224-1U Locking B Suction Metal Plate $38.50 C3
RAM-B-236U 1 Ball with 0.38 Male Thread $19.80 C3
RAM-B-231U 1 Ball with Ssteel U-bolt $37.40 C3
RAM-B-107BU RAM Clover Shaped Base $41.80 C3
RAM-B-202U-24 Rectangular Plate 2 x 4 $57.20 C3
RAM-B-107BU RAM Clover Shaped Base $41.80 C3
RAM-B-125BU Extension Cradle Plate B Ball $29.70 C3
RAM-B-346U Motorbike Reservoir Cover $42.90 C3
RAM-B-108BU V-base with 1 ball and straps $39.60 C3
Vehicle Mounts
RAM-VP-TTM12U Tele-Pole 12 Inch Long Tube $89.10 C3
UMD Custom Mounts
4-0150-010-2 IA33E Antenna Plastic Mounting Plate $44.00 U
[B] RAM "C" Series 38mm Ball (1.5")
RAM-201MU Double Socket Arm Metal Knob $78.10 C3
Except this is an arm
RAM-202U 38mm Ball with Round Base $31.90 C3
RAM-201U-B Short Double Socket Arm C Size $46.20 C3
RAM-201U-D Long Double Socket Arm C Size $91.30 C3
RAM-235U 1.5 Ball with Double U-Bolt 1-1.25 Diameter $51.70 C3
RAM-246U Square Alum Plate 1.5 Ball $49.50 C3
RAM-2461U RAM 75mm VESA Plate C-Size Ball $40.70 C3
[C] RAM Vehicle Mount Hardware
Welded Support
RAM-VBD-122 Vehicle Mnt Welded Supp Post $168.30 C3
Tele-Pole (Insert)
RAM-VP-TTM12U Tele-Pole 12 Inch Long Tube $89.10 C3
RAM-VB-109-2U Long Single Socket Swing Arm $93.50 C3
[D] Accessories
RAP-S-KNOB3U Pin-Lock Security Knob B-Size $16.50 C3
RAP-S-KNOB5U Pin-Lock Security Knob C-Size $23.10 C3
See www.rammount.com/ for more comprehensive options
Contact UMD regarding additional mounting options sales@umd.com.au