ID Cards

UMD supplies a range of RFID and Proximity Cards including the items listed below.


Indala Security Card
Dimensions 54mm (wide) x 85.4mm (long) x 1.6mm (thick)
Resonance Frequency 125 kHz
Tag ID Number 26 bits
User Memory N/A
Protocol Standard Proprietary
Vicinity Card
Dimensions 54mm (wide) x 85.6mm (long) x 0.76mm (thick)
Resonance Frequency 13.56 MHz
Tag ID Number 64 bits
User Memory 2k bits (In 64 32 bit blocks)
Protocol Standard ISO 15693
Zebra - UHF Gen 2 ID Card
Dimensions 54mm (wide) x 85.6mm (long) x 0.8mm (thick)
Resonance Frequency 902 - 928 MHz
TID Number 96 bits Read Only
Memory EPC: 128 bits Read/Write
User: 512 bits Read/Write
Protocol Standard EPC Global Gen 2/ISO 18000-6C
RFID Chip Impinj Monza 4QT
HID Global's OM Contactless Sticker Tag
Full Card
Sticker Tag

85 mm x 54 mm x 0.84 mm
48 mm x 25 mm x 0.84 mm
Resonance Frequency 13.56 MHz
Tag ID Number N/A
User Memory Options 1k, 2k, 4k & 8k
Protocol Standard Mifare 1k & 4k
Mifare DESFire 2k, 4k & 8k

Ordering Information and Pricing
Part Number Model Number Description RRP
[A] HF Plastic Credit Card, Blank
ISO14443 - Mifare
9-9860-100-5 RFT6010H-MF1 RFID CR80 Card (Mifare 1K) $3.30 C
9-9840-021-9 RFT4002H-4K ISO ID Card, Mifare (S70) 4K PVC $5.94 A
ISO14443 - Mobile Phone Card (Mifare 1K)
9-9860-090-9 RFT6008H-MF1 RFID Contact Sticker OM (Mifare 1K) $8.14 C
1-9032-110-7 IDC-CR80-HF-ISO2 HF Plastic Credit Card, Blank, 2K (ISO15693) $4.29 A
1-9032-111-4 ET-C1-04 HF Plastic Credit Card, Blank (ISO15693) suitable for hole punching for lanyards $2.97 U1
[B] UHF Plastic Cards
UMD Generic (EPC)
IDC-CR80-UHF-H3 ISO Card, UHF, Alien Higgs 3 chip $3.30 A
Zebra (EPC)
800059-412/1 IDC-CR80-UHF-M4QT-ZT ZEBRA CARD PVC 30MIL UHF M4QT EA $3.30 A2
800059-412 IDC-CR80-UHF-M4QT-ZT ZEBRA CARD PVC 30MIL UHF M4QT 100/BOX $264.00 A2
[C] ID Prox Card - Indala LF
For other cards please contact UMD
[D] Services
8-9030-010-5 Production Service ID Card Punching - per card $0.11 P
Note all ID cards can be punched.